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Former Olympic swimmer, doesn't go to the pool anymore. She has trained for many years at fitness centers in swimming pools that smelled strongly of chlorine. Before now, that would make swimming a safe bet, but Garceau knows this isn't so true.She and her team mates won the bronze medal in 2000 with the Canadian synchronized swimming team in Sydney, Australia, but for her, this came at a price other than the time and effort put into training. Her complaints were of an upset of her digestive system, frequent migraines-and then, she was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis.Stahlwandpools For many worldwide, swimming is a healthy activity to indulge in. If it isn't in the open sea, or in a lake, the next best thing is a swimming pool.Wouldn't you agree?Swimming pools have a tantalizing look to them with the inviting sky-blue water: serene and placid which even those who can't swim find hard to resist.Inability to swim doesn't necessary disqualify you from swimming in a pool as you can laze about on the edge, wade, or sit in the shallow point watching the fun seekers around you.Outdoor swimming season is coming to an end in many parts of the western hemisphere and swimmers are heading indoors for their workouts. But how safe are the waters they are diving into?Researchers warn that using pools come at a huge risk to health. They are examining the long-term effects of the chemicals in pool water.Most people who have used a pool often say they urinated in the pool, and as it turns out, it happens more often than not. (Michael Phelps, the American Olympic medal swimming champion, confessed to having pissed in the pool often).Bruce Y. Lee, writing for Forbes, says people don't have to poop in the pool to contaminate the water as poop actually gets in the pool through peoples bums. A study showed that people's bottoms have an average of 0.14 grams of feces.Yuck!Recently, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), study has shown that 80% of public swimming pools had health and safety violations-a discovery which caused the closing down of some recreation centers.After retiring in 2002, Garceau began looking into holistic medicine. Experts suggested detoxifying her body to get rid of chemicals like chlorine."As part of my journey to determine the factors that affected my health, I delved into the possible effects of chlorine and discovered some shocking facts," she writes in the appendix of her book "Heart of Bronze.""Chlorine destroys most diseases-causing germs within a reaction of a second-the very reason it's found in drinking water as well as 95% of swimming pools in the United Sates," said Dr. Tom Lachocki, the CEO of the National Swimming Pool Foundation.Without chlorine the risk of contracting many dangerous waterborne diseases increases. But the safety of chlorinated swimming pools with the chemical compounds formed through the use of this chemical have some scientist worried.Indeed, the culprit really is the disinfectants (chemicals) in pool water, which when mixed with sweat and urine can be hazardous to health.Scientist say when the ammonia in urine interacts with chlorine in swimming pools, they form a chemical called chloramines, which is known to cause birth defects and respiratory illnesses in humans. A report published online on states that public swimming pools are more dangerous than anyone might think. Researchers attribute the use of disinfectants in swimming pools to genetic cell damage that has been linked with diverse health issues such as asthma and bladder cancer.Moreover, experts say 35 percent of pool users don't take a bath before using swimming pools. That's why most public pools contain recreational water bacteria introduced, howbeit, unintentionally by swimmers with diarrhea, respiratory illness, and ear and skin infections.In addition, Michael Plewa, a professor of genetics at the University of Illinois, notes that what is used in most public pools are brominating agents (there are a variety of such chemicals) and not environmentally sound disinfecting agents.He states that when carbon-friendly substances like sweat, feces, urine, hair, skin, cosmetics, and sunscreen mix with the brominating agents, it becomes a toxic cocktail. These toxic mixtures could cause respiratory ailments, gene mutations, possibly induce birth defects, and increase the aging process.